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Day 88

If you had asked me a year ago how I saw the outcome of 2020, I would have told you "Better than 2019." If we only knew then what we know...


Strange the circumstances the Lord protects you from or strengthens you for. In the age of Corona virus I am silently thankful. Not for...

Walking through the Fire

The fire still burns brightly, painfully, consuming my mind and my heart and every part of me that can feel emotional pain.I'm on the...

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Hi There Guys & Gals; It's a hot topic these days, Mental Health. It seems almost so common a topic that we ignore it and forget about...

Hope in the Darkness

Hi Guys,. Happy Easter, I hope you all had a great time with friends & family! For those who worked this Easter, my sympathies, It's...

Define - Courage (A Poem)

Dear Life Life, you have been a constant force in my story, always hovering and always surprising. Sometimes crippling, sometimes...

Grace once known, cannot be unknown

I 'm going to be absolutely honest with you guys, the last two weeks have not been great and I am angry. I'm angry at God, I'm angry at...

Doing what is Right is NOT always Easy

So, there is this story about 6 ex military (Contractors) Special Ops guys that were assigned to Benghazi, Libya with the CIA a while ago...

Team Never Quit

Hi guys, I know its been a while, its been one of those earth shattering weeks and it's taken me a while to get up from the pain. The...

The Enemy thinks he's won

You know, sometimes life just sucks it right out of you. Sometimes its not the situations that hurt you or demotivate you, its people....

There's a Warrior in us all!

In every family there is that one family member that is known as the warrior, the iron lady/man or the glue that keeps the family...

Staring at the Moon

These last few weeks I've been staring at the moon till late at night. The hot South African air driving me out of the house or maybe its...

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