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She's Got Grace 
Real stories of overcoming Adversity as a Christian Warrior

The Struggle is real but, so is our God

Have you ever been in a circumstance that is so overwhelming that you know there is no way to overcome it on your own? You feel utterly alone and distanced from the world you live in or you feel constantly under attack for doing the right thing and having faith just seems to slip? Here we talk about the tough bits of being a Christian, the tear filled prayers and pleas, the hard part. To grow together in faith by sharing our adversity is the best way to overcome adversity.

Woman with Bible
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A bit about me

I was angry, I had a long day. I was so worked up and I was so upset about what happened at work. I was going away for the weekend, taking a break with my best friend and a good listener. I couldn’t wait for camp fires and nature. I was going through a list in my head of things I needed to take with and buy. Last stop the Liquor store then home bound. I remember a voice say: “You can do that tomorrow.” I ignored that voice, in a rush to get everything done.

I saw him, I saw that red pick up truck. I remember that moment I realised “I’m going to be in an accident, it’s too late.” I let go of the controls. I remember the sound of metal hitting, hitting metal, but I never saw the impact. I don’t know how I ended up underneath that pick up truck.
I remember looking at my hand and thinking “I need to straighten my hand.” “I want to go home now.” I had no idea the severity of what had just happened. I had no pain. Just peace & calm. They lifted thepick up truck off me. I don’t know who or how but felt the slight weight lift off my neck as if someone had their hand on my neck to protect it. 
She asked me who I should phone. I said my Mom. My best friend. I mentioned names. I forget. I felt pain in my side. A blanket was thrown over me. I’m worried about the work keys. Where are they? My handbag. Thank goodness my laptop is at home. 
My best friend shows up. I travel to Kimberley hospital in the ER24 Ambulance with the Emergency unit on stand by for a “woman crushed by apick up truck.” Pain starts in my hands and in my side. I arrive and I am rushed to the emergency room. I am attended to by doctors who get puzzled and amazed looks on their faces. I don’t understand why. I’m put on my side. Still they are puzzled. I am put into a wheelchair and taken for x-rays. I’m starting to shake from pain. I go back to the emergency room. The Doctors look worried now. My Mom is on the phone & then my Dad. I cry. My Dad is emotional. I cry. I’m not allowed pain killers due to low blood pressure. They numb my back. 14 stitches. I walk out of the hospital and then eventually roll.
Two weeks later I saw the whole accident in detail. I gasp, I should be dead. The bike is written off. I can barely walk. I go home to my parents and the Holy Spirit is working with me, only I don’t know it then. I keep saying. I should be dead. I was not a Christian then. Then one night alone at home he was there, he shows me how he protected me. He held my neck and shoulders. The Angels made sure I landed in such a way that I would not break any bones. I was found in “recovery position.” The way I landed saved my life. Then he stands before me arms open, Not saying a word. I get an indescribable feeling, a bubbling up of love. I search on the computer Hillsong. “Surrender” plays automatically. I cannot contain the love and I know who he is. He is Jesus. I cry, then pray, then repent. Joy springs in my heart and uncontainable pure love. I AM SAVED. I AM HOME.
*There is no logical or scientific explanation to how I did NOT have spinal damage from the severity of a head on collision.
*There is no logical explanation to how I fell in exactly the right position to save my life
* There is no logical explanation to how and why I am alive
What I do know for certain is this: John 3:16
“For God so LOVED the WORLD that he sent his ONLY beloved SON.”
What I can say for certain is: There is no LOGICAL explanation for God’s LOVE for you. You cannot grasp it or understand it, but you can experience it. O how great is his love!!
29/05/2014 – Jesus saved my life – I will Testify

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We all have a story to tell, a testimony, helping share your story could change someone's life and help them overcome the adversity they are facing in their lives. It is important that there is a community of woman & men that share their ultimate story of Grace


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