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  • Writer's pictureTalitha Kuhn

Staring at the Moon

Updated: Jan 27, 2019

These last few weeks I've been staring at the moon till late at night. The hot South African air driving me out of the house or maybe its not the air but the sense of overwhelming panic setting in. The taunting voice coming & going in my head whispering you are not going to make it, you are going to lose everything. I still it by saying: "God is in control, its all him now." The voice quiets, but my heart still pounds at the taunt. I need to have faith more than ever now.

In the darkness I have faith, I don't know how, but I do. My mind is on survival mode, making solutions and driving out the panic.

I repeat I am the righteousness of God through Christ's work on the cross. I will overcome because Christ has over come all things.

Jeremiah 29: 11"I alone know my purpose for you, says the Lord: prosperity & not misfortune, & a long line of children after you."

Moon view from my window

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